  • 期刊


Clinical Use of Bone-Conducted Auditory Brainstem Response in Young Children


背景:雖然氣導腦幹聽性反應檢查可以估量聽力閾值,卻無法正確導示耳蝸的功能,而骨導腦幹聽性反應可顯示耳蝸的功能。本研究乃利用骨導腦幹聽性反應檢查來評估耳蝸的功能,幫助鑑別診斷傳音性聽力損失或感覺神經性聽力損失。 方法:測試對象為31名疑似聽力障礙幼兒(男13名,女18名),年齡分布由1個月至4歲,平均2歲,每名受測者均接受骨導和氣導腦幹聽性反應檢查,刺激音為100 us 長方形脈衝電流,經輸送至骨導振動器、插入式耳機或頭戴式耳機產生的滴答聲。骨導檢查時,非測試耳用寬頻噪音遮蔽。 結果:骨導腦幹聽緎反應檢查測試結果,再現性良好,噪音可以達到遮蔽的效果且不影響腦幹聽性反應。由氣導和骨導腦幹聽性反應檢查結果可幫助做鑑別診斷,總共62耳中,聽力正常者3耳,傳音性聽力損失者12耳,感覺神經性聽力損失者38耳,混合性聽力損失者9耳。 結論:骨導性腦幹聽性反應的再現性良好,可應用於評估耳蝸的功能,幫助鑑別診斷嬰幼兒的傳音性聽力損失或感覺神經性聽力損失。


Background: The auditory brainstem response (ABR) to bone-conducted clicks appears to be capable of providing information about the cochlear function. By using bone-conducted ABR, we can differentiate sensorineural hearing loss from conductive hearing loss in infants and young children. The purpose of this study is to report the preliminary experience of clinical use of bone-conducted ABR in young children. Method: We used a Nicolet Spirit (USA) for recording ABR. A bone vibrator (Radioear, Model B-70B, USA) was used to conduct clicks. The ABR to bone-conducted clicks was studied in 31 young children with hearing impairment, aged from 1 months to 4 years. Various intensities (45 dB, 30 dB and 15 dB nHL) of bone-conducted clicks were used to evoke the ABR. They were also assessed by air-conducted ABR, sound field audiometry and tympanogram. Result: Sample waveforms of bone-conducted ABR and air-conducted ABR from young children with conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss and mixed hearing loss were illustrated. Conclusion: It is suggested that the bone-conducted ABR may be used to assist the air-conducted ABR in the differential diagnosis of hearing loss in infants and young children.
