  • 期刊


In Vitro Evaluation of Surface Treatment Materials on power-bleached Teeth


本研究目的為尋找美白後適合的表面處理材料,以使美白後牙表面不易沾黏色層,藉此進行往後減緩初期迴色之研究。分別以自酸蝕光聚合樹脂黏著劑(S-E bond)、自酸蝕光聚合樹脂黏著劑中之黏著劑(bonding agent in S-E bond)、光聚合樹脂表面保護劑(Brightener Ⅲ)、及先塗自酸蝕光聚合樹脂黏著劑,光聚合後再塗上光聚合樹脂表面保護劑(S-E bond + Brightener Ⅲ)為表面處理劑之材料,塗於雷射美白後之牙樣本上,以色差及物性評估,選擇最適合之表面處理材料。研究結果顯示已雷射美白後的牙齒,於塗上一層Brightener Ⅲ後除其顏色較接近美白後牙齒顏色外,且使美白後牙齒具一平滑表面。故第三代的光聚合樹脂表面保護劑Brigtener Ⅲ是適宜的美白後表面處理材料,不僅可於美白後創造一個較為平滑表面,且將有利於阻隔色素再著色的條件。


The purpose of this study was to search for the best surface treatment material for the power-bleaching of teeth to retard the initial color relapse from further development. Four evaluated materials, self-etching light-cured resin bond (S-E bond), the bonding agent in S-E bond (bonding agent), light-activated resin composite surface protector (Brightener Ⅲ), and S-E applied first then Brightener Ⅲ (S-E bond + Brightener Ⅲ), were respectively applied to laser power- bleached teeth samples, In order to select the best surface treatment material, colorimetry and scanning electron microscopy were respectively performed to investigate color differences (△E) and microstructural variations. The results, demonstrated that 1 layer of Brightener Ⅲ not only produced no clinically significant color differences, but also created a smooth surface when applied to power-bleached teeth. It was concluded that the 3rd generation light-activated resin composite surface protector (Brightener Ⅲ) was the best surface treatment material for power-bleached teeth.
