  • 期刊


A Study to Evaluate Stoping and Waiting Hot Spots on Urban Road by Using Spatial Pattern Analysis


目前道路服務水率評估、旅行時問預估等相關研究,在行車速率推估上多以路面上佈設之車輛偵測器(VD)所蒐集之資訊為主,但VD之埋設需經路面挖掘、VD佈設、重鋪柏油等程序,佈設不容易且損壞率偏高,亦普遍存在維護困難的問題;儘管已有諸多研究開始利用AVI、資料融合、RFID等技術,增進以VD為交通資訊蒐集主要來源之研究成果,但仍多因資訊蒐集成本較高,無法進行全面性應用。尤其在市區道路上,受限於地方政府經費與管轄範圍,VD無論在密度與數量上,都無法滿足現今資訊蒐集精度之要求,因此若能透過探針車提供交通管理上所需之相關數據,實為成本較低且應用性更廣之選擇;另一方面,市區道路由於交通狀況複雜,加上交通號誌的影響,欲利用探針車推估行車速率,勢必需針對車輛實際旅行以及車輛停等之時問與範圍,加以區隔與釐清,方可還原實際狀況。 爰此,本研究與清雲科技大學運籌管理研究中心合作,利用20輛桃園亞通客運車輛作為本研究之探針車,並自2004/06/01至2004/06/30期間所累積之近三十萬筆時空資料中,結合GIS與空間型態分析方法,選取桃園縣蘆竹鄉中正路至南崁路路段,實際推算於市區道路行駛之停等熱點與範圍,研究結果顯示透過較高時、空解像力之資料,不僅可有效區隔出車輛實際旅行以及車輛停等之時問與範圍,該停等範圍經實際驗證,準確率與為回應率分別高達82.8%與88.9%,研究成果可做為交通管理單位後續施政之參考。


In previous related research into highway service levels and travel time estimation, the main focus has generally been on how to distribute Vehicle Detectors (VD) in order to detect the velocity of vehicles. The installation of Vehicle Detectors requires road digging and reconstruction, procedures that are very difficult to execute and might also cause road damage and increase maintainence problems. It is especially difficult to install VDs in high density and numbers in urban areas, because of limited funds and local regulations. Consequently, we aren't able at present to collect the information we require. If we could use probe vehicles to provide data for traffic management, it would be much cheaper and more practical. Because of the complexity of traffic conditions and the influence of traffic lights in urban areas, it is quite difficult to use probe vehicles to evaluate the service quality for traffic roads and estimate traveling time. We need to distinguish the time and location of vehicles' stopping and traveling in order to reconstruct the actual traffic conditions experienced. This research was conducted jointly with the Logistics Management Center at Ching-Yun University in order to solve this problem. The data was collected using OBU which was located in probe vehicles from Tao-Yuan Ya-Tung Customer Bus Company. We collected nearly three hundred thousand real data records from 2004/06/01 till 2004/06/30 in the area from Chung-Cheng Road to Nan-Kan Road in Lou-Chu County, Tao-Yuan. We used the methodology and technology of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Spatial Pattern Analysis to evaluate the service quality for the probe vehicles in urban areas. The research indicates that by using higher and deeper imagination data, we can not only separate the time and scope of vehicle traveling and stopping, we can also reliably estimate the average traveling velocity for vehicles without VDs in urban areas. It is hoped that the information gathered in this project will be of use to traffic management departments.
