  • 期刊


The Study of Illustrations in the English Literature Textbook in Junior High School-A Case Study in Han Lin Edition




教科書 英語教科書 插圖


Ministry of Education got the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum innovation policy moving in 2001 A.D. The original textbook publisher was the National Institute for Compilation and Translation, and then it became the non-governmental publishers. One Guide-Multiple Text started from then on. The English Literature Textbook editors adopted vigorous illustration to make teaching living. Students could have more intentions to learn and get more understanding of the textbook. So it is very important on the point of the textbook illustration and the design. I use content-analysis to research the illustration of the English Literature Textbook of Han Lin Edition. I divide the illustrations into five categories. The five categories include drawing, comics, photos, real objects and decorations. Besides, I list five different kinds of arrangements of illustrations as the followings. First, use pictures with no words. Second, use pictures and a few words. Third, use pictures as the background. Fourth, use both pictures and word. Fifth, use small square pictures. In this study, the characteristics of illustration in the textbook of Han Lin Edition are divided into following categories: the characteristics of eastern female, the characteristics of eastern male, the characteristics of eastern or western, the characteristics of western one, the characteristics of western two, the characteristics of African, and other characteristics. By analyzing how different these characteristics are, we can make references to design and arrange the illustrations in the English Literature Textbook.




