  • 期刊


Population Dynamics and Evaluation of Insecticides for Control of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood on Mango


自2011年1月至2012年12月調查芒果薊馬類之發生,其中發生密度最高的種類為小黃薊馬(Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood),全年均有發生;花薊馬[Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan)]次之,僅發生於開花期。芒果園中小黃薊馬之發生,自1月芒果正值開花期,其密度逐漸升高,至3月時達高峰;在6、8及10月,正值芒果抽新梢,其密度亦升高,在10月達最高峰。芒果園中小黃薊馬田間的族群變動受相對濕度(Relative humidity; RH)顯著影響,呈現負相關(r=-0.85840, P=0.0015)。以8種藥劑進行防治試驗,經2年試驗結果,以9.6%益達胺溶液(SL)、50%滅賜克可濕性粉劑(WP)、15%脫芬瑞水懸劑(SC)及10%克凡派(SC)的防治效果較好,防治率均達90%以上。


Study on the occurrence of mango thrips was carried out in southern Taiwan from 2011 to 2012. Result indicated the chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood), occurred all the year round in mango orchards and with the highest population density, followed by the flower thrips [Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan)], which only occurred in blooming stage. The population of chilli thrips built up during mango early blossom in January, and with a peak in March. Its population increase rapidly during mango developing new leaves between July and September, and the first peak appeared from September to October. The population abundance of chili thrips decreased with high relative humidity in mango orchard (r = -0.85840, P = 0.0015). Eight insecticides were tested in the field against chili thrips. Results indicated that imidacloprid 9.6% SL, methiocarb 50% WP, tolfenpyrad 15% SC, and chlorfenapy 10% EC showed more effective in controlling this thrips.
