  • 期刊

己酸緩和棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)對小黃瓜侵襲

Hexanoic Acid Alleviated Cotton Aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) Infestations in Cucumber


己酸處理植物已知能引發對不同病原微生物防禦反應,而植物遭受半翅目昆蟲危害時引起與受病原微生物危害時相似之防禦反應。本研究試驗小黃瓜以己酸處理對棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)族群成長影響。試驗結果顯示,己酸浸泡或澆灌處理之小黃瓜,棉蚜族群成長顯著低於對照組,且效果隨著使用濃度增加提升。小黃瓜噴施0.04%及0.08%己酸,較對照組小黃瓜顯著影響棉蚜族群成長。己酸揮發處理小黃瓜,除0.08%處理組外,對棉蚜族群成長影響與對照組無差異。綜合上述試驗結果,己酸處理小黃瓜可緩和棉蚜侵襲,但效果受己酸處理方式及使用濃度影響。


己酸 小黃瓜 棉蚜 誘導防禦


Treatment of plants with hexanoic acid has been shown to induce plant defense against microorganisms. Responses of plant to hemipteran herbivores have substantial overlap with responses mounted against microbial pathogens. In this research, we studied the effects of hexanoic acid treatments of cucumber plant on cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) population growth. Results showed that significantly lower cotton aphid numbers were found on cucumber plants grown from seeds soaked in hexanoic acid solution treatments or irrigated with hexanoic acid treatment than control and the effect increases with increasing concentration of hexanoic acid. Spraying cucumber plants with 0.04% and 0.08% hexanoic acid resulted in significantly reduced cotton aphid population growth than control. Besides 0.08% hexanoic acid volatile treatment, there was no difference of cotton aphid population growth between other hexanoic acid treatments and control. In summary, results of our research showed that hexanoic acid could reduce cotton aphid population growth on cucumber plants but the effect varied with concentrations and treatment methods.
