  • 期刊


Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for long term Zoster with other nervous system involvement: A Case Report


帶狀疱疹(Herpes zoster)發病可能與免疫老化(immunosenescence)有關,高齡及免疫力下降是帶狀疱疹最常見的危險因素。帶狀疱疹後常併發神經病變如帶狀疱疹後神經痛(post-herpetic neuralgia,PHN),除了疼痛外,還有麻痺、感覺遲鈍和痛覺異常等症狀,發生率隨著年齡增加而上升,帶狀疱疹後神經痛在成人盛行率約18%,年齡50歲以上病患盛行率是50歲以下病患的27倍,且50-79歲每增加10歲風險會增加為原來的1.7倍。本案例為以麻木、感覺異常為症狀表現的帶狀疱疹後侵及其他神經系統造成神經病變長達十年的高齡病患,以針刺刺激周邊神經分佈的穴位佐以灸療順利改善麻木症狀。


The incidence of herpes zoster may be related to immunosenescence, elderly and immunocompromised is the most common risk factors for herpes zoster. Herpes zoster often complicated by neuropathy such as post-herpetic neuralgia, in addition to pain, there are symptoms such as numbness, dysesthesia and abnormal pain. Post-herpetic neuralgia occurred in 18% of adult patients and the incidence increased with age. Compared with patients <50 years, individuals aged>50 years had a 27-fold higher prevalence, and the incidence increases by 1.7 times each 10-year increase in age 50-79. This case is based on numbness and sensory abnormalities as a symptom of Zoster with other nervous system involvement caused by ten years of elderly patients. We used acupuncture and moxibustion to stimulate the peripheral nerve to improve numbness symptoms.


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