  • 期刊


The grey theoretical analysis between chlorophyll-related compounds and antioxidative capacities in black soybean


本研究以台灣黑豆五種品系為材料,測定其九種葉綠素相關化合物含量,包括Chl a 及Chl b,生合成中間物PPIX、MGPP、Pchlide,崩解代謝物Chlide a、Chlide b、Phe a 及Phe b 之含量。另外以這五種黑豆之水或甲醇萃取液評估三種抗氧化功能,諸如清除螯合亞鐵離子能力、清除DPPH 自由基能力及還原力。以上述九種色素為測試系列(comparison or test series)或子系統(generated sequence),同時以三種抗氧化功能為參考序列(reference series)或母系統(parent sequence),進行灰色系統理論分析。葉綠素相關化合物以台南3 號黑豆含量最高,台南3 號春作次之,而台南8 號最低。灰關聯分析顯示,這九種葉綠素相關化合物對三鐘抗氧化能力貢獻度之排序為:PPIX>MGPP>Phe a>Chl b>Chlide b>Chl a>Chlide a>Phe b>Pchlide。黑豆各品系中卟啉化合物,即PPIX 及MGPP 極性較大之代謝物,對三種不同抗氧化能力之影響效果最為顯著。且不論運用初質化或均質化方分別計算,其三者的關聯性排序並無太大的差異。灰決策分析結果顯示,整體抗氧化能力則以台南3 號最佳,其次為台南11 號,台南8 號最差。


Five varieties of black soybeans, TN3, TN5, TN8, TN11, and TN3S, were determined the contents of nine chlorophyll-related compounds (CRCs), such as Chl a and Chl b, their biosynthetic intermediates like PPIX, MGPP and Pchlide, their degradation intermediates Chlide a and Chlide b, Phe a and Phe b. Three antioxidative capacities such as chelating Fe^(2+) effects, scavenging radical effect, and reducing power of water or methanol extracts, were also evaluated in the five varieties. Using grey relational analysis and grey decision-making analysis, the nine CRCs were treated as generated sequence, and the three antioxidative capacities were treated as parent sequence. For CRCS contents, TN3 contains the most amount, TN3S the second, and the TN8 the least. The grey relational values show the contribution order of the nine CRCs as following: PPIX>MGPP>Phe a>Chl b>Chlide b>Chl a>Chlide a>Phe b>Pchlide. The grey orders were similar in the three antioxidation capacities in spite of grey initiation or mean value normalization. The grey decision-making data demonstrated TN3 had the totally highest antioxidative capacities, TN11 the second, and TN8 the least.
