

The paper continues our recent publication of new original data on orchid diversity in Vietnam (Averyanov et al., 2018a-c) obtained in 2016-2017. It includes data on 5 orchid species new for science (Calanthe nguyenthinhii Aver., Dendrobium truongcuongii Aver. & Canh, Gastrodia khangii Aver., Nephelaphyllum thaovyae Aver. & Canh and Podochilus truongtamii Aver. & Vuong) and 15 species, new for the flora of Vietnam (Calanthe ceciliae, Dendrobium eriiflorum, D. griffithianum, D. hekouense, D. minusculum, D. stuposum, D. xichouense, Eria lancifolia, E. xanthocheila, Geodorum terrestre, Liparis condylobulbon, L. tenuis, Luisia teres, Pomatocalpa maculosum, Porpax ustulata). Annotated species list includes the valid name, synonyms, type, citations of relevant taxonomic regional publications, data on ecology, phenology and distribution, estimated IUCN Red List status, studied specimens, brief taxonomic notes, and illustrations for each recorded species. Lectotypes for two species, Liparis tenuis, and Dendrobium exsculptum are proposed. When the new data presented in this paper are included, the documented orchid flora of Vietnam reaches at least 1243 species.


Averyanov, L.V., V.D. Nong, K.S. Nguyen, T.V. Maisak, V.C. Nguyen, Q.T. Phan, P.T. Nguyen, T.T. Nguyen and B.V. Truong. 2016d. New species of orchids (Orchidaceae) in the flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 61(4): 319-354.
Averyanov, L.V., K.S. Nguyen, V.D. Nong, V.C. Nguyen, B.V. Truong and T.V. Maisak. 2017a. Bulbophyllum sect. Hirtula in eastern Indochina. Taiwania 62(1): 1-23.
Averyanov, L.V., V.C. Nguyen, B.V. Truong, T.V. Maisak, H.T. Luu, K.S. Nguyen, Q.D. Dinh, H.T. Nhuyen, X.C. Chu, G. Tran, V.K. Nguyen and H.S. Le. 2018b. New Orchids (Orchidaceae, Cymbidieae and Vandeae) in the Flora of Vietnam. Taiwania 63(2): 119-138.
Chung, S.W. and T.C. Hsu. 2006. Gastrodia shimizuana, a new record of Gastrodia (Orchidaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwania 51(1): 50-52.
Lin, T.-P., H.-Y. Liu, C.-F. Hsieh and K.-H. Wang. 2016. Complete list of the native orchids of Taiwan and their type information. Taiwania 61(2): 78-126.


AVERYANOV, L. V., TRUONG, B. V., NGUYEN, V. C., MAISAK, T. V., DINH, Q. D., NURALIEV, M. S., NGUYEN, K. S., & CHU, V. T. (2020). New Orchids in the Flora of Vietnam Ⅲ (Collabieae, Malaxideae, Nervilieae and Orchideae). TAIWANIA, 65(4), 478-492. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2020.65.478
AVERYANOV, L. V., XU, W. B., NGUYEN, K. S., & MAISAK, T. V. (2020). Paraboea villosa (Gesneriaceae), a new species from Northern Vietnam. TAIWANIA, 65(1), 33-36. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2020.65.33
AVERYANOV, L. V., TRUONG, B. V., NGUYEN, V. C., NGUYEN, K. S., & MAISAK, T. V. (2019). New Orchids (Orchidaceae) in the Flora of Vietnam II. Vandeae. TAIWANIA, 64(3), 285-298. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2019.64.285
AVERYANOV, L. V., NGUYEN, V. C., NGUYEN, K. S., MAISAK, T. V., & TRUONG, B. V. (2019). New Orchids (Orchidaceae) in the Flora of Vietnam I. Epidendroideae. TAIWANIA, 64(2), 176-188. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2019.64.176
