  • 期刊


The Reservoir Management of Tiehchenshan Underground Gas Storage




The reservoir type of TCS gas field had strong aquifer drive. When converted to underground gas storage, it was necessary to maintain the injection and production balance. The gas bubble extent in the reservoir was recognized through the integration of a geological model, reservoir simulation, and history matching process. The formation pressure and gas water contact were monitored frequently in order to safely extend the capability of underground gas storage. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expansibility of the existing underground gas storage and develop the optimal management strategy. TCS underground gas storage has been in use for almost thirty years since 1990. The total gas production in this period was greater than injection so that the water encroached faster than expected. We speculated that it could have been under the influence of strong water-drive due to the imbalance of injection and production over a very long period. Our research suggested that the capability of the underground gas storage could be decreased through producing the gas from A block while maintaining the storage function of B block instead. The most effective management strategy for TCS underground gas storage is to keep the injection and production balance, monitor the wellhead pressure, bottom hole pressure, production and injection rate, water salinity, etc.


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