  • 期刊


Effect of Temperature on Leaf Development and Sugar Content in the Heading Process of Cabbage


「初秋」甘藍自定植後六週至十二週之間,在三種不同溫度(20/15、25/20、30/25℃日/夜溫)下,其植株之外葉葉數、鮮重及乾物量百分率均隨結球階段之進行,而變化不大,醣含量則均減少,顯示外葉之生長在結球階段已有停頓之趨勢;內葉葉數、鮮重及醣含量則均隨結球階段之進行而增加,乾物量百分率則均下降,顯示內葉在結球階段快速生長與發育。 三種不同溫度中,以30/25℃最為不利甘藍葉球之形成;在定植後十二週時,25/20℃之葉球內葉鮮重最高,以產量觀點而言,為最有利於結球之溫度;20/15℃之葉球內葉於定植十二週時之葉片數最多,結球最緊密,且糖度量最高,代表品質最佳。


溫度 甘藍 結球過程 醣含量


Seedlings of CV. KY-Cross cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) are grown at 3 different temperatures (20/15、25/20、30/25℃ day/night) in the controlled environment phytotrons after transplantation. There are limited fluctuations of outer leaf numbers, fresh weights and dry matter percentages during the heading process for each of the 3 different temperatures. Sugar contents of outer leaves under all 3 temperatures decrease during the heading process, These indicates growth of cabbage outer leaves terminates during the heading process. Head inner leaf number, fresh weights, sugar contents increase, and dry matter percentages decrease during the head process. These indicate head inner leaves grew and develop rapidly daring the heading process. 30/25℃ is the most unfavorable temperature for the formation of head. The fresh weight of head inner leaves is the highest for 25/20℃ at 12 weeks after transplanted which means the highest yield. 20/15℃ had the greatest amount of inner leaves the most rigid head and the highest sugar contents at 12 weeks after transplantation, which represents the best quality.


temperature cabbage heading process sugar content


