  • 期刊


Benefit Analysis of Dairy Farm Automation and Smart System Employment




自動化 乳牛場 機械化 智慧化


This review study provides a precise description of improved items and their degree of improvement with automation and smart system use in dairy farming from the literature and identifies remaining issues that need resolution. Based on mechanization, dairy industry has become a large scale and professional operation, and the needs of dairy farms for automation and smart systems to increase efficiency have grown rapidly. Mechanization of dairy farms can reduce manpower requirements to one tenth of current requirements. In the same time, dairy farms can double its forage supply. An automatic milking system, for example, it can reduce manpower by 22%, enabling each worker to handle 31% more dairy cows and produce 27% more milk compared to conventional mechanized milking parlor. Installing a smart system can change operations from a total mix ration wagon driven by a tractor to an automatic. feeding system with functions of automatic gathering and weighing feed ingredients, automatic mixing and delivering to each pen of dairy cattle according to different nutrition requirements for each group of dairy cattle. This change can result in reductions of 97% for energy and 79% for manpower. A smart system controlling an automatic milking system can continuously track milking frequency, milking speed, milk production, milk fat/milk protein contents, and mastitis indications (conductivity, color, somatic cell count) for each quarter of the udders. An alarm will be automatically posted if any parameter is out of the normal range. In addition, monitoring heat and activity can provide health analyses based on rumination activity and total activity pattern changes.


Automation Dairy farm Mechanization Smart system


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