

One of the two major goals of nutrigenomics is to make full use of genomic information to reveal how genetic variations affect nutrients and other food factors and thereby realize tailor-made nutrition (nutrigenetics). The other major goal of nutrigenomics is to comprehensively understand the response of the body to diets and food factors through various ”omics” technologies such as transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. The most successfully exploited technology to date is transcriptome analysis, due mainly to its efficiency and highthroughput feature. This technology has already provided a substantial amount of data on, for instance, the novel function of food factors, the unknown mechanism of the effect of nutrients, and even safety issues of foods. The nutrigenomics database that we have created now holds the publication data of several hundred of such 'omics' studies. Furthermore, the transcriptomics approach is being applied to food safety issues. For example, the data we have obtained thus far suggest that this new technology will facilitate the safety evaluation of newly developed foods and will help clarify the mechanism of toxic effects resulting from the excessive intake of a nutrient. The 'omics' data accumulated by our group and others strongly support the promise of the systems biology approach to food and nutrition science.
