  • 期刊


A Study on the Potability of Unboiled Tap Water in Taipei City


為採討現階段台北市自來水水質是否可以生飲,於民國71年9月到72年2月間筆者曾對台北市十六個行政區中之903個自來水用戶(內含九所國民中小學)做實地調查訪問,所得知見如下: 1. 有相當比例的被訪樣本戶,其龍頭水中之游離餘氯濃度低於決定標準之下限(即小於0.2ppm)。 2. 有相當部分的受訪戶,其水表後之用水設備不是使用不當就是維護不良。 3. 推論台北市自來水用戶之龍頭水水質目前尚難全面符合生飲的要求。 4. 也建議主管單位善用大眾傳播媒體,使用戶瞭解到良好而清淨的用水設備以及節約用水是決定自來水是否可以生飲的先決條件。




In order to evaluate if municipal tap water can be drunk safely without boiling, a field survey of water-sanitation practices of the public was conducted from September 1982 to February 1983. The total number of the interviewees, who were distributed in 16 districts of Taipei,was 903 and among them 9 were school officials and 894 were from the general population. In this survey, both the free residual chlorine levels and the physical features of water-supply facilities as well as sanitary safeguards were observed by 9 competent persons. Before the start of the survey, a meeting was held to systematize the method and manner of the interviewers. The main findings are summerized as follows: 1. There is a considerable proportion from the interviewed house-holds, whose tap water has a free residual chlorine concentration under the standard limit. (that is, the concentration is bellow 0.2 ppm) 2. There is a considerable proportion of the interviewees, whose water supply facilities after the water gauge have poor maintainance and/or are used incorrectly. 3. We conclude that at present, tap water in Taipei can not fully meet the requirements for directly drinking without boiling. 4. we recommend that the appropriate offices utilize the mass media to educate the public about tap water use. Then, they will know that a clean and proper water supply facilities as well a water conservation progran will result in the goal of obtaining potable water without boiling.


