  • 期刊


Potential Problems and Solutions of Current Policy of Toxic Substance Control in Taiwan


本國之毒性物質,在過去缺乏統一事權之法律與管轄機關,導致曾發生許多毒物引起的疾病。政府最近頒訂毒性物質管理法(以下簡稱[毒管法]),並將環保機關提升為署,顯示其加強毒管之決心。本報告即是針對毒管政策,特別是毒管法及細則,加以分析。 本研究發現目前之毒管法採用公告列管,對新出現的毒物不能防患未然;且由於缺乏毒物在環境中流布之資料、充足的判讀毒物毒理之人才,以及進行毒理研究與毒物疾病流行研究之人才與技術,對於公告之先後次序勢必發生爭論與決策上之困難。此外毒管法與其他相關之法規間,如勞工安全衛生法、農業管理法等,尚缺乏一致的毒物資料表;以致毒物的流布無從掌握,而可能引起人體中毒與環境污染。我們建議立即採取下列措施,以減少流弊且達成毒管目標:1.加速公告速度,並在3~5年內修法以管制新的化學物。2.成立財團法人性質之「環境毒物研究中心」,提供毒管所需之高級人才、知識與技術;並建立資訊中心,以收集及整理各種毒管所需之資料庫。3.利用毒管技術諮詢委員會與協商會等組織,訂立毒物公告之次序。4.在毒管法施行細則中明訂毒物之安全資料表格式與內容,並推廣至尚未被列管的化學物。5.積極培訓公私立機構之毒管人才,並建議教育部在各大學優先增設毒管技術相關之系所,或至少加開這類課程。此外,在細則中宜增加適當現定以保障毒管人員之品質。6.加強政府機開間之協調,以逐步建立毒管法之權威及執行方式。7.寬籌經費以達成以上工作。此外,並應逐步建立毒管政策之各種結構、程序及結果指標,以監測其成效




Toxic substance control in Taiwan once fell under the jurisdication of six different government agencies, with at least 17 laws or regulations promulgated for the purpose. Because of the fragmentation of these regulations and responsibilities, diseases caused by toxic substances have been rampant and increasing over the last decade. In an effort to reverse this trend, the Environmental Protection Agency was set up and Toxic Substance Control Act (TOSCA) was enacted recently. This review predicts the potential problems of this new policy and provides ways to prevent or correct possible adverse effects. The findings (potential problems) included that (1) the scope of the current TOSCA is too limited because it will include only 300 substances on its registry in the next 5 years and it does not provide for regulation of new chemicals; (2) With lack of sufficient information about environmental distribution and toxicologic effects, chemicals cannot gain priority on the registry; (3) material safety data sheet was not provided and standardized; (4) all the regulations and agencies responsible for toxic substance control were not integrated. We propose the following solutions: (1). An increase in the speed of addition of chemicals to the registry, and modification of the law to regulate new chemicals over the next 3-5 years. (2). Establishment of a toxic chemical research center, which can provide the necessary information and support the technology for toxic substance control. The center should be a non-profit organization rather than falling completely under the current governmental system, in order to allow flexibility and to preserve qualified personnel. (3). Establishment of priorities for regulated chemicals by organization of a technical council and a coordination council for toxic substance control. The former would consist of representatives of consumers, manufacturers, and officers from related governmental agencies, while the latter would consist mainly of physicians and toxicologists. (4). Generation of a standardized material safety data sheet to be used for all chemicals and for all regulations. (5). Promotion of education, training, and continued education for toxic substance control personnel in factories and related agencies. (6). Enhancement of intra-governmental communication and integration of toxic substance control. (7). Provision of an adequate budget for the work.


toxic substance control legislation
