  • 期刊

Six-community Hypertension Intervention Trial in Taiwan: Epidemiological Characteristics and Treatment Compliance







In order to examine epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of hypertension, to assess the treatment compliance of hypertensives, and to evaluate the feasibility of community-based hypertension control programs in Taiwan, a Six-Community Hypertension. Intervention Project (SCHIP) was conducted, involving the survey and follow-up of 7,955 men and women. Experienced public health physicians and nurses were employed to conduct cardiovascular surveys and laboratory examinations according to standard protocols, and special hypertension clinics were established for the step-care of hypertensives. The Chinese population in Taiwan is under an extraordinarily higher risk of developing cerebrovascular accidents than other populations around the world; however, age-sex-specific mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels were quite similar between Taiwan citizens and people elsewhere around the world. The prevalence rate of hypertension was found to increase with age in both sexes, with males having a higher hypertension prevalence before the age of 50 years and a lower prevalence after the age of 50 than females. Multiple regression analysis showed that age, sex, location of residence, obesity, low levels of physical activity, family histories of hypertension, and previous histories of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes were significantly associated with hypertension. The treatment compliance rate of patients referred to SCHIP clinics was as high as 81.6%, while the rate of patients referred to health insurance clinics was only 50.6%. The major reasons given by patients for discontinuing treatment were ”feeling better and/or no more symptoms or signs” and ”too busy lo see doctors”.
