  • 期刊


Looking at the Mode and the Strategy of China's Neo-Globalization




After the global financial crisis, China has become more aggressive in promoting its globalization at various international events, highlighting the shift from its passive participation to the initiatives. China's "neo-globalization" initiatives depart from the contemporary globalization in many dimensions. Set against the above backdrop, this study mainly focuses on the economic and trade issues, and begins with exploring the insides and appeals of neo-globalization from multiple perspectives. It further analyzes neo-globalization's possible challenges and limits in China with quantitative evidences. Finally, China's relevant advantages for promoting neo-globalization are outlined to explore the strategic choices and possible outcomes. As suggested by this study, neo-globalization can be regarded as a globalization with Chinese characteristics. The motivation for China to promote neo-globalization is not only to keep globalizing the economic society but also to maintain its self-interests derived from engaging in the globalization. Neo-globalization mainly aims to overcome the contemporary globalization's weakness, in particular, the imbalance of cross-country income distribution and economic development. Neo-globalization with the "China's solution" suggests the state plays a more aggressive role like "the developmental state," which may support the development of China's state-owned capital institution. In achieving neo-globalization, China performs "the Belt and Road" initiative for driving the cooperation among developing countries, highlighting its leadership role in the developing world. Additionally, it is controversial that based on various statistical indicators, China's ongoing globalization ranks comparatively low. Accordingly, this may be a barrier for the international society, especially the developing world, to echo China's neo-globalization initiative. In paving the way for promoting neo-globalization, China at least may rely on the scale of domestic demands and the innovative application of digital technologies.


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