  • 期刊


Validilty and Reliability of Comprehensive Assessment of Activities of Daily Living for Stroke Patients


本研究目的主要在於發展及驗證腦中風患者預後全面性日常生活活動評估量表。本研究以高雄醫學大學附設中和醫院民國八十四年十一月至八十六年十二月期間腦中風住院治療之患者311位為研究對象。完成收集其中169位首次中風患者基本人口學及住院期間臨床診斷資料,並且訪視評估病患出院至少半年後功能獨立自主量表(Functional Independence Measure, FIM)及芙蘭切活動量表(Frenchay Activities Index,FAI)結果做為組合全面性日常生活活動量表資料。因素分析結果發現FIM及FAI量表組合成全面性量表各個項目之共同性(communality)高,其33個項目都含有一個共同建構特質,可以由五個共同因素來解釋量表分數77.7%的整體變異量。另外,組合成全面性量表具備不錯的內在一致性,所有項目之內在一效性甚高(Cronbach's α=0.97)。本研究結果顯示:FIM及FAI量表組合成全面性量表項目具備內在一致性和建構效度,應可適用於臨床及研究南臺灣地區中風病患出院預後日常生活功能和生活型態變化的評估。


中風 日常生活活動 效度 信度


The aim of the present study was to develop and investigate the validity and reliability of the comprehensive assessment of activities of daily living for stroke patients. A total of 311 stroke patients who were consecutively admitted to the inpatient neurology or rehabilitation department at Kaohsiung Medical Vniversity Hospital between November 1, 1995 and December 31, 1997 were included in this study. We studied 169 first stroke survivors aged 30 to 92 years at onset by means of telephone and personal interviews in their clinical visits, homes or long-term care institutions. Sociodemographic and clinical factors were collected during hospitalization period. Combinations of Functional Independence Measure (FIM) instrument and Frenchay Activities Index (FAT) as a comprehensive assessment of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) were measured at least 6 months following the onset of stroke. Factor analysis revealed that all items of the comprehensive assessment of ADL had a common underlying construct and loaded on five factors with 77.7% of the variance. In addition, the internal consistency of the comprehensive assessment of ADL was high (Cronbach's α=0.97). The preliminary results in this study indicated that the FIM and FAI assessed different factors with good internal consistency and construct validity. Hence, the use of a comprehensive ADL score obtained by combining the two scores is appropriate for measuring functional status and life style for stroke survivors in southern Taiwan.


