  • 期刊


Research on Employee Creativity in Taiwan and East Asian Countries: Findings and Implications




A lot of research about creativity and innovation has drawn much attention from scholars in recent years. However, the majority is based on Western theories or research samplings without considering the employees' characteristics from East Asian areas and how these characteristics may influence creative performance. This paper includes analysis on international management journals and empirical research (about creativity in Taiwan and other East Asian countries) from the past 15 years (2000-2015). It also discusses the similarities and differences of research findings between Eastern and Western studies. Although the results indicate that many East Asian studies used Western theories and research constructs, indigenous studies in East Asian countries have emerged in recent years. In addition, most East Asian research findings are consistent with Western ones, showing that the results are partly culture-general, while only few areas revealed inconsistent findings. Finally, in the 'Future Prospects' section, we provide suggestions for future research based on East Asian cultural perspectives.


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