  • 期刊


The Spatial and Social Mobility of New Migrants to Beijing: Staying or Leaving?




This paper investigates whether new migrants to Beijing have achieved upward social mobility to become the middle class through spatial mobility. Expanding the size of the middle class is one of China's development goals. With the household registration system still exerting a strong influence on Chinese society, there exists a complex relationship between spatial and social mobility among new migrants. This research asks two questions: What are the factors affecting the social mobility of new migrants to Beijing? Can spatial mobility overcome institutional obstacles on the path to social mobility? Our research focuses on analyzing the characteristics and grouping of new migrants through fieldwork and in-depth interviews of 57 respondents. Based on their social class status, we divide the new migrants into four groups: "marginal professionals," "marginal white-collar," "new college graduates," and "marginal new rich." The relationship between social and spatial mobility of the individual groups of new migrants are identified through overlapping their major features. Our findings show that among the four groups, the "marginal professionals" and "marginal new rich", who possess the most and the least cultural capital, respectively, have more opportunities to accumulate capital through spatial mobility and continue their movement in the future. The "new college graduates" also have plentiful cultural capital, but their experience in spatial mobility is all education-related. These moves cannot be turned into the capital to increase social mobility. For new migrants to Beijing, cultural capital cannot become the key driver of social mobility. The unique phenomenon of Beijing's marginal middle class also shows in their view of the hukou system. Because of the exclusion by the hukou system, groups having more negative views of the hukou system tend to search for the possibility of social mobility through spatial mobility. On the other hand, groups which are indifferent to the hukou system or succumb to the pressure of the hukou system are are less likely to accumulate capital through spatial mobility. Though they are candidates for the new middle class, their living space in the city has been increasingly reduced under the new urbanization policy. They face a difficult decision as to whether to stay, or leave Beijing.


人民網(2012)統計局:十六大以來我國人口總量平穩增長就業局 勢穩定。http://finance.people.com.cn/n/2012/0817/c1004-18769491. html(取用日期:2017年10月2日)。
人民論壇網(2013)聚焦「新」城市移民。http://www.rmlt.cn/ News/201307/201307181614074453.html(取用日期:2013年7月 18日)。
中國統計出版社(2010)中國2010年人口普查資料。http://www.stats. gov.cn/tjsj/pcsj/rkpc/6rp/indexch.htm(取用日期:2017年6月23 日)。
