  • 期刊

Growth and Behavioral Development in Captivity Gray Wolf (Canis lupus) New Borns

圈養新生灰狼(Canis lupus)成長與行爲發展



臺北市立動物園圈養的雌性灰狼,於2003年5月9日產下兩隻健康情況良好的幼狼。本研究即運用監視錄影設備,以24小時連續拍攝方式,記錄幼狼出生後6週內的行爲,以剖析其行爲發展及與母狼互動的模式。研究結果顯示,幼狼出生後每日的0700~1000 hr爲其吮乳的低峰期,而吮乳與肉食頻率呈互補狀態,此交錯會影響對幼狼在第23至33日的成長。幼狼每日休息的時間比例逐漸降低,在33日齡後漸趨穩定,介於30~40%之間;而個體互動的強度與行爲多樣性則明顯增加。推測上述行爲發展受個體牙齒、骨骼、消化系統發育程度所影響,從而亦與個體在狼群社會中的角色建構有密切關係。


圈養 灰狼 行爲 幼狼 監視錄影


Twenty-four hours monitoring program was applied to study the behavioral development of two gray wolves pups born on May 9th, 2003 at the Taipei Zoo. A total of 44 day's information was recorded using both scan and instantaneous sampling methods. Our results showed that the pups were inactive in milk taking behavior from 0700 to 1000, and their meat hunt behavior substituted milk taking one gradually along with the accumulated observation time scales. During the study, the resting time of pups decreased, however, the strength of interactions as well as the diversity of behavior types between pups increased significantly. We speculate that the behaviors of wolf pups were influenced by the development of their skeleton and digestive systems, and may contribute to their future roles in the colony.
