  • 期刊


An Action Research on Applying the Cooperative Learning into Physical Science Class


本研究的主要目的在探討國中理化課室中試行合作學習時,所遭遇到的問題與尋求解決之道,並了解其實施的成效。研究者以自己任教的一班國二後段班級學生為對象,進行為期六個月的研究,期間對國中理化課程以合作學習方式重新加以規劃設計,並進行合作學習教學。在第一階段傳統教學中收集學生相關資料,並設計規劃合作學習教材,為第二階段做準備。在第二階段正式實施合作學習過程中,利用行動研究具螺旋式探究及深入情境解決實際問題之特點,依據收集到學生相關資料,在行動中反省自己的教學方法,尋求實際情境中能促進學生學習之教學方式繼續執行,評析實施之成效,做為改進的依據。 實施合作學習的過程配合學校段考可分為三個時期。第一時期研究結果發現:初次接觸的新鮮感及教材內容的活動多,頗能吸引學生學習,所以學生的學習成效佳,但小組討論技巧尚需加強,尤其是組長與組員的安排需特別注意。第二時期研究結果發現,學生已習慣合作學習方式,所以上課氣氛熱烈,但小組成員間的合作以及教學時間的足夠與否,也會影響學生的學習成效。第三時期研究結果發現,教材難度增加會造成學生的學習意願較為低落,在班級秩序及學生的學習成效方面表現也會較為不佳,但適時的改變教學策略,可提升學生的學習興趣。


合作學習 行動研究 理化


The purpose of this research was to report how one physical science teacher implemented cooperative learning in her classes, and students' learning outcome. Researcher applied both qualitative research method to collect and analyze data. At the first stage, the researcher collected the students' data to prepare for the cooperative learning in the second stage. At the second stage, the researcher used of the spiral and practical characters of action study to gather the students' relevant data, and to evaluate whether the teaching adjustment in the action process could really improve the students' learning. The students' learning outcome and problems faced during the cooperative leaning processes could be divided into three periods. In the first period, the students gained better achievement because of the novelty of cooperative learning strategies and because of the opportunities to manipulate classroom activities. Problem faced in this stage were students' group discussion skills among group leader and other group members. In the second period, students were so used to the cooperative learning that the classroom was full of ardent atmosphere; students' learning effects depended much on the cooperation among group members and on the sufficiency of the instruction time length. In the third period, the increasing difficulty of curriculum material would weaken the students' learning desire. Though the students had inferior classroom order and low learning effect, yet these defaults could be mended by the appropriate adjustment of teaching strategies.


