  • 期刊

Hearing Improvement Following Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of Large Vestibular Schwannoma with Severe Hearing Loss-Case Report



Vestibular schwannomas (VSs) are benign, slow-growing tumors that originate from Schwann cells lining the vestibular nerves. They have an incidence of 1 per 100,000 per year. Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) is an accepted treatment option for patients with small- to medium-sized VSs. However, improvement of hearing is very unusual in the presence of VSs. We presented a case of large multicystic vestibular schwannoma whose hearing improved after Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) and literature review of outcomes after GKRS for large VSs.


大的聽神經瘤,若腦幹壓迫症狀不明顯且病患不願意接受開顱手術可考慮放射手術治療,本院於2013年經歷一49歲女性,主述頭暈、左耳聽力障礙併耳鳴及左臉麻感持續4個月,聽力檢查顯示左耳為82 dB(0.5, 1, 2, 4 kHz),語言聽力檢查左耳無反應,聽性腦幹反射檢查左耳無反應,溫差試驗顯示左耳半規管麻痺77%,頸部前庭誘發肌電位檢查為正常,腦部核磁造影顯示左側小腦橋腦腳囊性腫瘤,大小為3 × 3.2 × 2.5 cm(14.3 ml),病患擔心顯微手術的併發症,於是接受單一劑量的伽瑪刀治療(margin dose 12 Gy, isodose level 57%, cochlear mean dose 3.5 Gy),術後無明顯併發症。36個月的追蹤檢查,聽力檢查左耳為18 dB,語言辨識度達96%,聽性腦幹反射檢查左耳於50 dB有反應,磁振造影顯示腫瘤縮小1.38 × 1.15 × 1.14 cm(1.14 ml),即便是重度聽損的聽神經瘤患者經過治療後聽力還是有進步的可能,惟長期的聽力尚待追蹤。
