

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to investigate the differences in acoustic parameters between the patients with benign vocal lesions (nodule/polyp) before and after laryngomicrosurgery. METHODS: Sixteen patients who received laryngomicrosurgery were recruited by retrospective cohort study from August 1, 2018, through August 1, 2019. The objective voice parameters were collected before and after laryngomicrosurgery. Patients' collected voice parameters were analyzed between the two groups with Wilcoxon signed ranks test. RESULTS: The variation of the fundamental frequency variation (vFo), The peak-amplitude variation(vAm) and the degree of voice breaks (DVB) were improved after laryngomicrosurgery. There was no significant improvement in the noise-to-harmonic ratio (NHR), the voice turbulence index (VTI), the soft phonation index (SPI) and the degree of subharmonics (DSH). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the laryngomicrosurgery can improve the voice parameters of vFo, vAm, and DVB. Due to the small number of patients, additional studies are warranted for better validate this result.


背景:目前已知常見的語音分析(F0, Jitt, Shim, MPT, GRBAS)在聲帶手術前後會產生相對的變化。本研究中想要更深入探討其他客觀音質參數在聲帶手術前後會有怎樣的變化。方法:我們回溯2018-2019年找出16名接受聲帶結節/息肉手術的病患,藉由術前術後語音頻譜分析儀留下的資料,與接受喉直達鏡顯微手術後的差異性進行分析比對,包含其基頻變化率(vFo)、中長音幅度變化量(amplitude variation in the medium to long term/vAm)、噪音諧音比(noise-to-harmonic ratio/NHR)、音聲紊亂指標(voice turbulence index/VTI)、軟發聲指數(soft phonation index/SPI)、聲音間歇指數(degree of voice breaks),以及次和諧音程度(degree of subharmonics)。前後音聲參數的變化使用魏克生符號檢定,採雙尾檢定,p <0.05為達統計上顯著意義。結果:16名患者的平均年齡為52.9歲(標準差為12.2歲),女性占大多數(88%)。手術前後在客觀音質參數上,其基頻變化率由9.94下降至4.62(p = 0.07),中長音幅度變化量由28.79下降至22.4(p = 0.03),噪音諧音比由0.15下降至0.14(p = 0.71),音聲紊亂指標由0.045下降至0.042(p = 0.38),軟發聲指數由16.90上升至18.77(p = 0.26),聲音間歇指數由0.70下降至0.02(p = 0.14),以及次和諧音程度由2.89上升至3.31(p = 0.96)。結論:本研究證實喉直達鏡顯微手術能改善患者基頻變化率、中長音幅度變化量及聲音間歇指數。由於患者數目較少,因此需要進行更多研究以更好地驗證此結果。
