  • 期刊


Using UAV with Low-cost Sonar to Measure Parameters of Ponds


傳統上對於內陸水體多利用單音束與多音束測深儀量測水深,可得剖面深度測線進而產出水底地形,但若應用於小型水域,船隻不便行駛且成本將顯著提升,因此載具的機動性逐漸成為研究目標。近年因消費級無人機興起,運用其高機動性可取代人們進入不易到達之區域進行觀測,對於空間中的點狀測量提供了一種新型作業平臺。為了解小型水體(如埤塘)的水深並計算水量變化,本研究結合無人機、智慧型手機與小型簡易聲納,於水面進行點狀水深測量,後續使用空間內插擬合埤塘水底地形。於桃園四口埤塘測量成果顯示,水深量測內部精度(連續觀測之標準差)於每口平均值可小於0.13 m,若與水務局早期實測資料比較,經水位調整後深度差的標準差為0.15 m,另面積誤差為3.2%-8.9%。本研究歸納出在缺乏船載實測資料時,本系統可於低時間與人力成本考量下,在水域深度介於六十公分至數公尺的水體進行深度與量體估計。


無人機 簡易聲納 埤塘 水底地形


Conventional methods used to retrieve water depth for inland waterbodies rely on single-beam or multi-beam echo sounders, which sample depths along multiple survey lines and produce bathymetry through grid interpolation. However, for small or shallow waters where ships are not easy to navigate it would require other costly surveying strategies. Therefore, the maneuverability of sensor platform has been growing interest in related research fields. Reducing cost of commercial unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in recent years has facilitated its wide applications in geoinformatics. Owing to its high mobility, an innovative platform for point measurement is easily accessible. In order to understand water depths of small inland waterbodies and to calculate temporal changes of water volume, this study aims to combine an UAV, a smartphone, and a low-cost sonar to measure several ponds in Taoyuan. This integrated measuring system is operated over water surface to measure pointwise water depths for bathymetry mapping. The results show that an internal accuracy of water depth measurements (standard deviation of repeat observations) in four randomly chosen ponds of Taoyuan has achieved <0.13 meters. On the other hand, the root-mean-square of difference (RMSD) between depth measurements and historical data from Department of Water Resources in Taoyuan city (after appropriate water level adjustment) is 0.15 meters. Meanwhile, errors of area estimates are in a range of 3.2-8.9%. We conclude that in the absence of shipborne measurements, this method can sufficiently provide depth and volume estimation at low time/labor costs for small ponds whose depth is greater than 60 k.
