  • 期刊


Association between Dietary Intake and Blood and Urine Cadmium Levels among Men in Taiwan


目的:鎘為具有毒性的微量金屬,有關國人人體鎘暴露量的探討並不多見,本研究旨在探討50歲以上男性的血鎘、尿鎘與飲食的相關性。方法:以健康檢查中心接受全身體檢的男性為對象,利用問卷記錄各種食物的攝取頻率,據以評估所攝取營養量是否適當,同時抽取血樣,收集尿液。利用石墨爐原子吸收光譜儀分析血鎘及尿鎘。自1999年6月至9月收集50歲以上男性的資料,共295人參加。結果:受試者的血鎘中位數值為0.84ug/L,95百分位為3.35ug/L,尿鎘的中位數值為0.94ugCd/g creatinine,95百分位為4.05ug Cd/g creatinine。營養素攝取有偏差,包括鈣質的攝取不足(91.9%),蛋白質、醣類及鐵質的攝取亦有60%以上的人不足,但有23.4%的人脂肪攝取過量。大部分的食物及營養攝取量,包括鈣、鐵之攝取,與血鎘及尿鎘沒有顯著相關性。魚貝類的攝取量高時,尿鎘含量達2.0ug Cd/g creatinine以上的勝算比(OR)為7.4(95%可信範圍(CI)為1.3-42.0),血鎘的含量亦較高,但不顯著。淡色蔬菜攝取量高時,血鎘含量達1.4ug/L以上的OR為7.0(95%CI為1.0-50.0)。飯麵類的攝取量高時,體內血鎘與尿鎘含量則低。結論:體檢中心中老年男性的血鎘及尿鎘含量與多數食物及營養素的攝取相關不顯著,魚貝類及淡色蔬菜攝取較多者,有較高之鎘負載,澱粉食物之攝取則反。


血鎘 尿鎘 食物 營養


Objectives: Human exposure to cadmium is rarely studied in Taiwan. This cross-sectional study measured blood cadmium and urine cadmium for men aged 50 and above and assessed their relationships with daily dietary and nutritional intakes. Methods: Blood and urine specimens were obtained from 295 men of eligible age while they were receiving a routine comprehensive health examination from June though September 1999. All data on dietary and nutritional intakes, socio-demographic and physical examination were obtained from the health examination center. Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was used to measure blood and urine cadmium contents. Results: The median and 95lh percentile levels of cadmium in blood samples were 0.84ug/L and 3.35μg/L, respectively. The corresponding values in urine samples were 0.94ug Cd/g creatinine and 4.05 ug Cd/g creatinine. Insufficient intakes of calcium were found for approximately 91.9% subjects. More than 60% subjects had insufficient intake of protein, carbohydrate, and iron while 23.4% subjects had over intake of fat. Relationships were not significant between blood and urine cadmium and most dietary and nutritional variables. Higher intake of seafood increased the risk of elevated urine cadmium level (>2.0 ug Cd/ g creatinine) (odds ratio (OR)=7.4, 95% confidence interval (CI)=1.3-42.0). An elevated blood cadmium level (> 1.4 ug/L) was also associated with higher intake of light-leaf vegetable (OR=7.0, 95%CI=1.0-50.0). But increased consumption of rice and noodle decreased such risk. Conclusions: Most dietary items do not explain cadmium content in specimens for these middle age and older men. A few men with higher consumption of seafood and light-leaf vegetables, and decreased consumption of rice and wheat products were found to have an elevated cadmium burden.


blood cadmium urine cadmium diet nutrition.
