  • 期刊


The Prevalence of Pulmonary Impairment among Coal Miners with Simple Pneumoconiosis in Taiwan


目標:依據現行勞保局塵肺症殘廢審定標準,探討台灣煤礦工單純塵肺症肺功能障害的盛行率,並觀察其與坑內工作年數間之關係。方法:本研究自1998年至1999年於礦工內科門診收集284位資料完整,且其胸部X光片依國際勞工組織塵肺症分類法顯現Category 0或Category 1,2或3之單純塵肺症變化的煤礦工,安排其作肺量測定及肺瀰散量檢查。進行性重度肺纖維化串者不包括在內。礦工的工作史由問卷調查而得知。結果:X光等級屬Category 1以上之單純塵肺症患者其FEV1/FVC異常低下的盛行率為42.6%(69/162),而FVC及FEV1異常低下的盛行率分別為4.9%(8/162)與10.5%(17/162)。盛行率隨著X光等級與坑內工作年數而提高。肺瀰散量異常的盛行率較FEV1/FVC者為低。結論:煤礦工單純塵肺症肺功能障害的盛行率視參數的種類而有所不同,肺瀰散量測定可以補充肺量測定之不足。


Objectives: To investigate the prevalence of respiratory impairment and its relation to underground exposure among coal workders with simple pneumoconiosis in Taiwan. Methods: This study investigated 284 coal miners, including 122 with X-ray Category 0 and 166 with Categories 1, 2, and 3 (simple pneumoconiosis), from the medical clinics of a hospital. Spirometric measurement and tests for pulmonary diffusing capacity (DLco) were conducted on each subject. Patients with progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) were excluded. Occupational histories were obtained from questionnaire survey. Results: The prevalence of an abnormally low FEV1/FVC (forced expiratory volume in 1s/forced vital capacity) in subjects with simple pneumoconiosis was 42.6%(69/162). For FVC and FEV1, it was 4.9(8/162) and 10.5%(17/;62), respectively. The prevalence of abnormally low spirometric values increased with higher X-ray categories and longer underground exposure. The prevalence of an abnormal DLco was also lower than that of FEV1/FVC. Conclusions: The prevalence of lung functional impairment in simple pneumoconiosis varies with the parameter measured, and DLco determination may be helpful in case of normal spirometric measurement.


Lin, C. H. (2005). 退休男性礦工罹患塵肺症死亡率探討 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.01256
