  • 期刊


The Inspiration of Global Employees' Strikes in the Medical Industry to Taiwan




罷工 醫療事業 勞工 健康


The Settlement of Labor Dispute Law (SLDL) put forward to revise by the Council of Labor Affairs of Taiwan will be reviewed at the Legislative Yuan. Upon enactment of the revised SLDL, no medical industry strikes can be staged before the 30-day 'cooling period'. In the healthcare system of Taiwan, there are more than 200 thousand medical workers employed in hospitals and clinics. This paper reviews global labor strikes in health care system and analyses the pattern and effect of strikes. Furthermore, it examines past struggles of the medical workers in Taiwan, the changes in their status as result of the government health policy, the constraint of their rights imposed by the national labor law, and physicians' specific characteristics in the medical team. To confront the trend of globalization, medical workers should build up greater confidence and unite with community in action to exert pressure on the government regarding labor laws and health policies. In this way, strikes will no longer need to be staged while the public can enjoy physical, mental and social health.


Strike medical industry labor health
