  • 期刊


The effect of tele-healthcare intervention on preventable hospitalizations and healthcare utilization in Taiwan




Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate whether tel-healthcare intervention could reduce preventable hospitalizations and healthcare expenditures. Methods: The case group was made up of those who participated in the Senior U-Care program (a tel-healthcare intervention) administrated by a hospital in central Taiwan. We utilized the Propensity Score Matching model to create a control group from the National Health Insurance Research Database over the period from 2009 to 2011. All patients in both groups were divided into high growth utilization and low growth utilization groups based on the mean growth in the total number of hospital admissions. The difference-in-differences model was used to investigate the impact of the tel-healthcare intervention on preventable hospitalizations and healthcare utilization. Results: The tel-healthcare intervention increased outpatient visits by approximately 2 but decreased preventable hospital admissions by 0.052 in the high growth utilization group. Additionally, inpatient expenditure (per admission), outpatient expenditure (per visit), and total healthcare expenditure in the high growth utilization group decreased by 8,743, 225, and 15,917 point values respectively due to the tel-healthcare intervention. The tel-healthcare intervention decreased approximately 0.036 inpatient admissions but it increased 1 outpatient visit for the low growth utilization group. Conclusions: Tel-healthcare intervention effectively decreased preventable hospitalization and healthcare expenditures in the high growth utilization group. Nevertheless, the services provided by the tel-healthcare intervention under study were free of charge to participants. We should therefore be cautious about concluding that tel-healthcare intervention would generate a positive effect on the financial management of the national insurance system.


邱啟潤編(2012)。長期照護理論與實務。新北市=New Taipei City:洪葉文化=Hungyeh Publishing。
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