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Impact of net buying pressure on the trading demand of different types of trader



This research examines the relation between trading demand and net buying pressure, which reflects the different opinion of traders' expectations. Controlling for the effect of volatility on trading demand, we find that the net buying pressure derived by OTM calls and ATM puts significantly influences the trading demand of hedgers, whereas the trading demand of speculators is affected by the net buying pressure derived by OTM calls. This relationship offers evidence that the greater discrepancy of traders' expectation about future prices implies a lesser desire from both speculators and hedgers to trade. However, when net buying pressure turns larger after the period of the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, the trading demand of hedgers is greater, while there is no influence on the trading demand of speculators. We conclude that hedgers are more risk-averse and have a greater desire to trade if they find that the imbalance on net buying pressure is larger after a crisis, especially for ATM puts.




交易需求 淨買壓 投機者 避險者 波動率


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