  • 期刊


The Associations between Psychological Factors and Metabolic Syndromes among the Adults Underwent Health Examination


研究目的:探討心理因子與代謝症候群之關聯性是否適用於台灣本土樣本。研究方法:研究採橫斷法,以方便取樣於2009年11月至2011年5月,在醫院健康檢查門診及健康檢查中心,招募547位(男256人,女291人)參與健檢者,平均年齡50.35歲(SD=15.18)。所有研究參與者皆填寫敵意、憂鬱、焦慮與D型人格量表;並以病例查詢方式,蒐集其代謝症候群各項診斷標準(身體質量指數、血糖、血壓、三酸甘油脂、高密度脂蛋白)資料。研究結果:獨立樣本t檢定結果顯示,代謝症候群組(53人)與非代謝症候群組(494人)在代謝症候群各項診斷標準皆達顯著差異(p<.01);心理因子部分,則在憂鬱及敵意達顯著差異(p<.05)。以控制年齡之偏相關分析結果顯示,憂鬱與空腹血糖具有正相關(r=.14,p<.01);敵意與三酸甘油脂具有正相關(r=.34, p<.001)。階層迴歸分析結果顯示,在控制傳統生理危險因子(年齡、性別、家族病史、與運動習慣)後,敵意對三酸甘油脂具有預測力(β=.37, p<.001);憂鬱對於空腹血糖具有預測力(β=.13, p<.01)。研究結論:研究結果顯示,在控制傳統生理危險因子後,心理因子與代謝症候群具有正向關聯性,包括敵意對三酸甘油脂具有預測力;以及憂鬱對空腹血糖具有預測力。


Purpose: The aim of present study was to investigate the associations between metabolic syndromes and psychological factors in Taiwanese adults underwent health examination. This is a pilot investigation study to examine whether the association found in West culture could be replicated in Taiwan. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 547 participants (mean age 50.35, SD 15.18), were recruited from the health examination department of a hospital from November 2009 to May 2011. All participants completed 4 psychosocial scales, including the Beck Depression Inventory-II, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Chinese Hostility Inventory--Short Form, and the Type D Scale-Taiwanese version. The physical examination data collected included height, weight, triglycerides, fasting glucose, high-density lipoprotein, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure. Results: The results of t-tests showed significant differences between metabolic and non-metabolic participants in body mass index, triglycerides, fasting glucose, highdensity lipoprotein, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure for physical factors (p<.01), as well as depression and hostility (p<.05). There were positive correlations between depression and fasting glucose (r=.14, p<.01), hostility and triglycerides(r=.34, p<.001), negative affect and high-density lipoprotein (r=.18, p<.01), and social inhibition and diastolic blood pressure(r=.15, p<.05). The results of hierarchical regression analyses after controlling for age, gender, family history, and exercise showed that hostility was significantly associated with triglycerides (β=.22, p<.001) and depression was significantly associated with fasting glucose (β=.13, p<.01). Conclusions: Independent of traditional risk factors, including age, gender, family history, and exercise, there are positive associations between psychological factors and metabolic syndromes.


