  • 期刊


The Interpretative Bias of Socially Anxious Individuals: Evaluation of the Sentence Word Association Paradigm


研究目的:本研究欲驗證經過修改後的「句詞關聯作業(sentence word association paradigm, SWAP)」此一實驗派典,嘗試以此作業探討社交焦慮者的解釋性認知偏誤歷程。研究方法:本研究選取86名高社交焦慮與59名低社交焦慮之大學校內學生,所有受試者皆完成句詞關聯作業和七份有關社交焦慮、情緒、解釋性偏誤之量表。採用變異數分析與相關分析進行探討。研究結果:本研究發現SWAP的反應時間結果顯現高社焦組接受良善的反應時間顯著地高於低社焦組,高社焦組拒絕威脅的反應時間顯著地高於低社焦組;而在接受百分比率上,高社焦組比低社焦組具有較多的威脅解釋偏誤及較少的正向解釋偏誤。組內比較方面,於組內比較時,低社焦組拒絕威脅句詞顯著比拒絕良善句詞快,然而,高社焦組的拒絕威脅或良善句詞配對的反應時間沒有差別。此外,相關分析的結果顯示,於社交句型中,當受試者的社交焦慮程度越高,其於SWAP中的社交威脅解釋偏誤程度越高、社交良善解釋偏誤程度越低。研究結論:針對社交焦慮者的解釋性偏誤情形,建議未來研究可考慮將句詞關聯作業進一步應用於輔助性評估工具。


Purpose: We explored the interpretative cognition processes of socially-anxious individuals using the sentence word association paradigm (SWAP), which was modified from the word sentence association paradigm (WSAP; Beard & Amir, 2009). Methods: We selected 86 high and 59 low socially-anxious students from a college. All of them completed the SWAP measure and 7 questionnaires about social anxiety, emotion, and interpretative bias. Analysis of variance and correlation analysis were applied to investigate the interpretative cognition processes of socially-anxious individuals. Results: The between-group results showed that high socially-anxious individuals had a higher reaction time to accepting and endorsing benign interpretations and rejecting threatening interpretations as compared to low socially-anxious individuals. In endorsement rate, high socially-anxious individuals had more threaten interpretation and lower benign interpretation than low socially-anxious individuals. Moreover, the within-group reaction time data revealed that low socially-anxious individuals easily reject threatening interpretations, but high socially-anxious individuals did not show any significant difference in rejection of threatening or benign interpretations. In addition, the correlational data revealed that those with higher social anxiety had significantly more positive correlations with threatening interpretative bias and significantly more negative correlations with benign interpretative bias in social situations. Conclusions: SWAP has the potential to become an assistive assessment tool.


social anxiety interpretative bias


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American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
