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The Challenges of Digital Technology to the World of Work: Taking Working Time Legislation Debates in France as an Example


本文首先探討資訊科技應用對於企業組織運作與勞動關係之影響,以及政勞資三方如何應對此種新工作型態;其次,以法國工程、幹部與環工技師工會(CFC/CGC/FIECI)與雇主團體(Syntec-Cinov)於2014 年簽訂團體協約之行動為案例,評述既有勞動法體系對於資訊科技主導下新工作型態的工時規範。作者認為傳統工時規範係以工業社會泰勒式大量生產模式為典範,該典範的勞動關係建立在明確的雇傭關係與從屬性,要求雇主應對所僱用的員工善盡健康保護責任。但全球化趨勢下,現代化的企業組織與生產強調個別化與自主性,如何讓員工發揮其自主性反而有助於生產力的提升,因此以行政或立法方式規範工時,可能會妨礙企業經營自由,也可能限制受僱者身為公民所應擁有隱私以及享受家庭與工作平衡的自由。面對資訊科技所發展的新工作型態,工時的規範應超越傳統的外在控制,而是從兼顧受僱者所需的公民自由,以及新工作型態所需的工時與工作組織彈性,強化勞工自主性與工會組織,促進勞資雙方自主協商與社會對話。另方面則根據比例原則,推動企業內部資訊管理與職業健康教育,確保工作中基本權與公民權。


This article firstly intends to study the impacts of ICT application to work organizations and in particular on labour relations. The second aim is to understand how the government and social partners give responses to this new ICT involved world of work by taking the 2014 Collective Agreement concluded by French social partners for further articulation. Not least to discuss the evolution of employment and labour relations in an ICT processed work organisation. The author argues that the conventional regulation on working time is based on the Taylor’s manufacturing and mass production paradigm, characterized by substantial subordination and stratified division of labour and aimed to protect workers’ fundamental rights by charging employers’ full responsibility. However, in a globalised economy where mass use of ICT in work organizations require autonomy and flexibility for knowledge employees on the one hand, and the technology intrusion to privacy and aggressive control to individuals’ life appears to be severe on the other. Thus the author argues that the generalised legal instrument enshrined by the State might not only jeopardise the necessary efficiency of work organisation but also individual privacy and balanced work-life embedded as citizen’s rights. As a consequence, the management of working time should go beyond external legal instrument and develop internal autonomy through ways of organizing labour and of promoting dynamic social dialogue at the enterprise level. Comparable importance would be to promote information management within work organisations in respect of proportionality principle and to provide ICT related health and safety guidelines and education.
