  • 期刊

Power of Pedometer:以計步器發展學生動態生活型態之析論

Power of pedometers: A literature review on a pedometer-based approach to improve physical activity in students




Physical inactivity is a global public health concern. However, physical activity gradually declines in students from elementary schools to high schools. Physical inactivity could result a kind of healthy threat. Therefore, a physically active lifestyle should be encouraged in schools. Pedometers have been used to assess physical activity in children and adolescents, and pedometer-based strategies are increasing used to improve physical activity. These strategies are cost-effective and have important health benefits. This paper describes the use of pedometers to improve and measure physical activity level in students, and describes empirical research findings of the outcomes of the use of pedometers to enhance physical activity level. Our findings could help improve understanding of the developments in the application of pedometers in improving physical activity levels in students. This literature review showed that pedometers could be used to effectively measure students' physical activity, and that physical education encourages and improves physical activity in combination with pedometers and self-management, which includes goal setting and behavior monitoring. Pedometers are associated with health benefits that involve improvement in physical activity level; hence, pedometers should be used in physical education to encourage a physically active lifestyle and improve physical activity level.


教育部體育署 (2015)。HS150 方案。取自http://www.sa.gov.tw/[sports Administration, Ministry of Education (2015). SH150, Retrieved from http://www.sa.gov.tw/]
