  • 期刊


Britain's Policy towards "The Eight-Nation Alliance" during the Boxer Uprising in China, 1900-1901




The military actions taken by the foreign powers in Northern China during the Boxer Uprising (1900-1901) have been interpreted by Chinese historians as an international coalition, which is traditionally called 'The Eight-Nation Alliance.' However, the whole incident was too complicated to be oversimplified into the cooperative invasion of the Western imperialism. For the Boxer Uprising was really an unforeseen accident to the Great Powers, many of them wanted to take a conservative stance under such conditions in order to maintain the "status quo". While Britain held the greatest commercial interests in China, she was especially conservative in coping with the incident. Therefore, this essay is intended to illustrate the British policy towards the international allied troops in the incident of Boxer Uprising in China, which provides an explication for international relations and the thinking of the foreign Powers at that time. The topics in this research include the attitude of British Governments towards the dispatch of relief force to Peking, the appointment of the commander-in-chief of the Allied troops, and Britain's own role during the incident. This paper is divided into six sections as follows: 1. Reflections on the historical interpretation of the 'The Eight-Nation Alliance'. 2. British Government's perspectives to the nature of the foreign relief force. 3. Britain's attitude towards the nomination of the (German) commander-in-chief of ally troops. 4. 'Checks and balances': The role of the British forces in Peking. 5. the British Government' concerns about the international occupation of Peking. 6. Conclusion.


蘇位智、劉天路主編,《義和團研究一百年》(濟南:齊魯書社,2000 年),頁 576-591。
Confidential Print, 7470/289, Rumbold to Salisbury, 22 July 1900, from BDFA (British Documents on Foreign Affairs), Part I, Series E, Asia, vol. 24, p. 94.
Frederic A. Sharf & Peter Harrington,顧明譯注,《1900 年:西方人的敘述─義和團運動親歷者的書信、日記和照片》,(天津:天津人民出版社,2010 年),頁 229。
瓦德西(Alfred Graf von Waldersee)著,王光祈譯,《瓦德西拳亂筆記》(北京:中華書局,2009年)。
王曾才,〈英國對華外交與門戶開放政策〉,《中英外交史論集》(台北:聯經出版,1979 年),頁 67-115。
