  • 期刊


Temple Fairs, Texts and Legends: The Cult of the Silk Flower God in Modern Jiangnan




蠶花懺 軋蠶花 馬鳴王 香市 水會


After the Song and Yuan dynasties, Jiangnan gradually became the center of China's economy. By the Ming-Qing era, silkworm production and silk weaving constituted a large proportion of the local economic life. In addition, due to continuous improvements in the canal system, links between Jiangnan and imperial China's political center became closer. Therefore, research on sericulture customs at Taihu Lake and its surrounding regions, especially Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou, naturally involves the study of Grand Canal culture. This paper draws on previous studies and primary source materials, including late Qing and Republican-era newspapers and magazines, local gazetteers, field survey reports and other materials, to explore a wide range of aspects related to Jiangnan sericulture (including silk flower penance ritual, squeezing silk flower temple festival, incense fairs, water fairs, etc.). The paper's structure is as follows: First of all, I introduce the Silk Flower Religious Festival as intangible cultural heritage according to the distribution of the Hang-Jia-Hu region. Secondly, religious views in two Huzhou Daoist scriptures (The Precious Penance of the Silk Flower and Silk Precious Rites) are analysed, including technical factors pertaining to their special vocabulary. In addition, I focus on the transformation of the image of this region's main silkworm god, Maming King, while comparing differences in legendary ballads and their areas of distribution.


《大清通禮》。[1778] 1986。來保等纂。收於《四庫全書薈要》第 200冊。臺北:世界書局。
《大清會典則例》。[1764] 1983。清高宗敕撰。收於《四庫全書》第625 冊。臺北:商務印書館。
《山海經校注》。[1792] 1995。不著撰人。袁珂校注。臺北:里仁書局。
《天中記》。[1573–1619] 1983。陳耀文。收於《欽定四庫全書》第965 冊 。臺北:臺灣商務印書館。
《太上說利益蠶王妙經》。[1445] 1997。不著撰人。收於《正統道藏》冊 10〈洞玄部•本文類〉。臺北:新文豐出版公司,616。
