  • 期刊


Using Web-Based Information Technology to Build a Management System of Drug Consultation


目的:藥師提供即時且正確的藥物諮詢服務是「優良藥事作業」的重要項目之一,但傳統上以紙本或Microsoft Word/Excel 電子檔的記錄方式,無法完整且有系統地紀錄諮詢服務內容並提供其他藥師或醫療人員參考。本研究希望建置「藥物諮詢管理系統」,提供醫院藥師方便地紀錄各類型的諮詢問題以及有效地管理與運用諮詢紀錄資料。方法:本研究先匯集本院各部門藥師意見,討論須紀錄之項目與相關報表與功能,然後與資訊室程式工程師討論介面設計與欄位規劃,以「網路化」資訊技術作為本系統建置之架構,使用"PowerBuilder" 為主程式語言搭配"Oracle" 資料庫做為儲存管理資料之工具。結果:本研究透過網路化資訊科技建置「藥物諮詢管理系統」,提供新增、修改、查詢、統計、清單、公告與刪除等七項功能,透過網路連結「快速且有系統地」紀錄與收集本院各單位藥師的諮詢問題並進行即時分析,提供成果回饋於藥事照護之推動。結論:本研究將藥物諮詢傳統紀錄方式升級為系統化資料庫管理模式,提供統計報表功能進行檢討分析,找出常見問題做為藥師教育訓練之題材,以提升本院藥物諮詢作業之品質。


網路化 資訊科技 藥物諮詢


Objective: It is an important element of good pharmaceutical affairs that pharmacists provide the immediate and accurate service of drug consultation. Traditionally, using paper or Microsoft Word/Excel to record drug consultation is unable to completely provide the valuable information for other medical staffs. The purpose of this study was to build the management system that could support hospital pharmacists to easily record their drug consultation and to effectively apply the data recorded n this system. Methods: Firstly, we integrated our pharmacist's suggestions about what to record and report is necessary. Secondly, we discussed with the computer programmer to design system interface and recorded items. We selected web-based information technology to build this system that PowerBuilder as the programming language and Oracle as database. Results: This study has successfully built the management system of drug consultation. Using internet, this system rapidly and systematically collects any type of drug consultations recorded by pharmacists in different locations and at the same time. Conclusions: This study has turned traditional paper work into web-based data management for drug consultation. We could use the statistical reports provided by this system to find the common issue for staff training to enhance the drug consultation quality in our hospital.
