  • 期刊


Application of 3D Printing Technologies in Pediatric Orthpaedics




Three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies, also known as "additive manufacturing" and "rapid prototyping", are revolutionizing orthopaedic clinical practice nowadays, allowing anatomical structures of any complexity to be manufactured in just days. Such technologies can make surgery for complex cases more precise, more cost-effective, and possibly easier to perform. Preoperative parameter measurement and surgical planning, along with the application of a 3D-printed navigation template, can effectively reduce errors associated with inexperience and poor operative technique. Applications include preoperative planning, surgical simulation, patient-specific instrumentation and implants such as bio-printing, prosthetics, and orthotics. With these new techniques and technologies, we must ensure that precise and individualized treatments are possible. This is especially important for children, who show great individual physical differences. This article aims to review the basic principles of 3-dimensional technologies, including imaging, design, numerical simulation, and printing, and their current applications in pediatric orthopedic disorders.


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