  • 期刊


Effects of 3D-Printed Insoles on the Knee Contact Forces in Knee Osteoarthritis


外側楔形墊常被用來介入內側退化性膝關節炎患者,減少膝關節負荷。近年來,3D列印技術開始被應用在客製化鞋墊的製造,但鮮少有研究探討3D列印鞋墊對退化性膝關節炎患者的影響。因此本研究目的為比較內側退化性膝關節炎患者穿著3D列印鞋墊、5度外側楔形墊以及無穿著鞋墊時的膝關節接觸力量以及踝關節外翻力矩。受試者為一名內側退化性膝關節炎男患者,使用肌肉骨骼分析軟體AnyBody Modeling System分析步態時膝關節內側接觸力量。初步結果發現3D列印鞋墊比外側楔形墊更能減少行走過程中膝關節內側接觸力量以及減少踝關節外翻力矩峰值。本研究提出一個製作退化性膝關節炎鞋墊的新方法。


Lateral wedges are commonly used as an intervention strategy to reduce the knee load of patients with medial compartment knee osteoarthritis (OA). In recent years, 3D printing technology has been applied to the manufacture of customized insoles. However, few studies have been conducted on the biomechanical effects of 3D-printed insoles for the patients with knee OA. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the changes in knee joint contact forces and ankle eversion moment when wearing 3D-printed insoles, 5-degree lateral wedges, and non-wearing insoles for a patient with medial knee OA during level walking. One male patient with medial knee OA was recruited for this study. AnyBody Modeling System was used to build a patient-specific musculoskeletal model for simulating the medial knee contact forces. The results showed that the use of 3D-printed insoles for the patient with medial knee OA could reduce the load of the knee and ankle joint by reducing knee contact forces and ankle eversion moment. We herein provided a preliminary investigation of this novel method to manufacture insoles for patients with knee OA.


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