  • 期刊


New Strategy for Stroke Prevention in Atrial Fibrillation




Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia, complicated with increased risk of stroke. Ninety percent of thrombus comes from left atrial appendage, derived from the left wall of the primary atrium, which forms during the fourth week of embryonic development. The pathogenesis of thrombosis in AF may result from the blood stasis which occurs in the appendage owing to its shape and the trabeculations within it. Left atrial appendage occlusion (LAAO) is widely considered to be a nonpharmacologic strategy for reducing stroke risk, as well as an alternative to anticoagulation in patients with AF deemed unsuitable for long-term anticoagulation yet appropriate for short-term anticoagulation. European and American guidelines have both been updated and recommend considering LAAO in patients who have long-term contraindications to anticoagulation. This article highlights significant updates in studies and device technology as they pertain to LAAO.


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