  • 期刊


Study of Infusing Slope Land Disaster Prevention Education into the Elementary School Curriculum in Taiwan




The purpose of this study is to infuse the slope land disaster prevention education into the elementary school curriculum in Taiwan. The study applied textbook analysis, field work and in-depth interview to investigate the current status of disaster prevention education in Taiwan's elementary schools. We obtained the following findings: (1) the curriculum structure for Taiwan's elementary education can be consisted of three stages: the basic intellect development, the knowledge acquisition and the skills application; (2) the content of disaster prevention education is arranged as five concepts related to safety education in the elementary school curriculum (environmental awareness and investigation; safe and proper behavior; the way that government prevents and responds to disasters; information collection and transmission; recognition of natural phenomenon); (3) disaster prevention education in elementary schools has geographic characteristics. For schools in the urban area, fire and earthquake prevention education are practiced; however, for schools in the rural area, slope land disaster, typhoon and flood prevention education should be enhanced in addition to fire and earthquake prevention education; and (4) current practice on disaster prevention education in Taiwan's elementary schools is not carried out effectively. Special concerns and efforts are critically needed from the associated organizations. Base on the findings, this paper proposes an integration of systematic and completed slope land disaster prevention for the elementary school curriculum development in Taiwan. Advice for further research on disaster prevention education is also provided.


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