  • 期刊


An Introductory Review of Applications of Psychophysiology to Sports and Exercise Studies


運動有益身心健康,然而運動有益心理健康的文獻則較為缺乏,因此,本文之議題近來已逐漸受到更多的關注。鑑於客觀的生理測量已被運用來顯示情緒、興奮激動、注意力、認知運作、以及壓力反應等變化,因此運用生理反應測量以探討運動有益身心健康的研究方法具有相當大的潛力與優勢。本文旨在探討人類反應中各層面之關聯性,或是關注人們「心理運作」的「生理基礎」的「生理心理學」,並且也概述四種主要的生理反應(血流脈搏、腦電波、肌電值、皮膚傳導)的測量方法。運用Web of Science電子資料庫進行文獻回顧,彙整了運用生理心理學與運動相關的51篇國際期刊論文之實證研究結果,所得結語如下:運用生理心理學至運動研究時,在研究倫理、假設驗證、研究設計、生理反應測量儀器、研究趨勢、研究效度等挑戰需要特別留意,希望對應用生理心理學去探索運動有益身心健康的研究能起拋磚引玉之效。


Sports and exercise are conducive to psychological and physical health. However, there is relatively less research regarding the benefits of sports and exercise on the psychological health than those of the physical health. Therefore, this subject is receiving more attention than before. Given that objective physiological measurements have been used to indicate changes in emotions, arousal, attention, cognitive functions, and responses to stress, the applications of physiological measurements to the studies of sports and exercise on the psychological and physical health have great potential advantages. This article provides an introductory review of the psychophysiological relationships between various levels of human responses, and focuses on the physiological sources of the psychological process. Moreover, this article describes how to measure four major physiological responses (blood volume pulse, electroencephalography, electromyography, and skin conductance). Through literature review of the Web of Science electronic database, this article summarizes 51 empirical studies published by international journals regarding psychophysiology and sports/exercise. We conclude that: the challenges regarding research ethics, hypothesis examinations, research design, physiological instruments, research trends, and research validity require particular attention, when applying psychophysiology to sports research. Hopefully, this article could encourage further psychophysiological studies of the impact of sports on the physical and psychological health of humans.


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