  • 期刊


Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit? A Close Look at the Government Data Collaboration among System Users with Different Information Roles


當前諸多資訊分享的文獻,都在指認公部門推動這類計畫可能面臨的執行障礙。儘管資通科技接受的文獻已汗牛充棟,公部門跨機關電子資料交換也日益普及,但迄今為止,鮮有針對影響機關間資料協力意向進行調查之研究。縱使有的話,研究者也傾向採取「單一組織觀點」(unitary organizational perspective)來看待政府資料協力。在上述背景下,作者試圖透過次級資料的分析,針對先前五都的「免書證、免謄本」應用服務系統之機關使用者進行系統性探究。申言之,運用來自於該系統中兩組緊密相關的「資訊角色」(即資訊貢獻者與資訊受益者)所呈現之統計資料,作者試圖探究上述應用服務系統的使用者,究竟是基於何種評估與考量,而表現在政府資料協力的意向。這些受測者指出影響渠等知覺上接受上述系統的決定因素,彼此之間的知覺歧異,以及資訊角色對於協力意向所產生之差異。倘若「位置決定腦袋」,則受測者的資訊角色的確可能影響其協力意向,亦即,作為資訊貢獻者和受益者考量之因素有別。整體而言,本研究的主要貢獻在於凸顯不同機關同仁的資訊角色差異,對於協力意向所造成之影響。作者期望透過此一調查分析,而有助於增進學術與實務工作者的知識。


Current literature and studies on information sharing are used to identify key factors in information-sharing relationships to outline the challenges faced in the public sector. Despite the abundance of IT innovation acceptance literature and the growing popularity of cross-agency information sharing in the public sector, few studies have yet investigated system users' intention toward government data collaboration. In addition, most researchers have generally taken "a unitary organizational perspective" on government data collaboration. Against this research background, this paper samples the institutional users of "the no-certificate and no-transcript system" in five metropolitan areas. Using survey data from two closely related roles (i.e. information providers and information receivers), the authors explore the way they perceive IT adoption pertaining to collaborative governance. These respondents identified the determinants of IT acceptance perceptions, variation in these perceptions, and the informational roles with stronger divergent views of adoption in data collaboration. Specifically, if "where you stand depends on where you sit," then the difference between the two related roles could account for variances in their intention toward data collaboration. The contribution of this paper is to shed light on the data collaboration perceptions of users, with two closely related roles, in different interacting organizations responding to the same system mentioned above. Overall, this paper intends to share its findings with academics and practitioners.


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