  • 期刊


Palatal Augmentation Prosthesis Improves Swallowing and Pronunciation in Patients with Tongue Cancer


Palatal augmentation prosthesis簡稱PAP,是一種口內上顎贋復裝置,早期主要是放置於顎咽閉鎖不全的患者口腔內;其後逐漸被應用於舌癌術後患者,以協助其吞嚥及構音。因舌癌患者術後所引起的吞嚥、構音等問題,常導致患者生活品質下降。PAP的主要功能是製造一個下降的圓頂硬顎以改善患者於吞嚥、構音時所產生的舌顎接觸不足問題。經由口腔照護團隊及語言治療師的協助下,患者將可重拾進食的樂趣及增加言語清晰度,有助於生活品質之提升。


舌癌 改善吞嚥與發音 重建


Palatal augmentation prostheses (PAP) are defined by the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms as palatal prostheses that are mainly used for oral rehabilitation. The tongue plays an important role in speech and swallowing, and tongue movement can be impaired as a result of partial glossectomy for oral cancer, trauma or other factors. These patients often need to lift their head to complete the swallowing action. The use of PAP allows reshaping of the hard palate to improve linguopalatal contact during speech and swallowing. The volume of artificial lowering of the palatal vault depends on the size of the glossal defect and tongue movement limitation. Articulation, mastication and deglutition can be restored in a short time with the effective assistance of a speech pathologist. PAP can also be combined with a removable denture device to enhance the esthetic, pronunciation and mastication.
