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How Do Board Composition and Funding Type Affect the Debt Financing Level of Medical Foundations?




This study explores whether the board composition and funding type of medical foundations are correlated with their debt financing levels. We consider size of the board and gender of the chair of the board for the board composition factor, and, based on funding types, classify the foundations as business-supported, religiously-supported, and general foundations. Our results show that the size of the board is not, and yet the gender of the chair of the board is related to the debt financing level of medical foundations. A closer look at the results reveals that the size of the board is negatively related to debt financing for business-supported and general foundations that are neither business nor religiously supported, and the gender of the chair of the board is positively related to debt financing for religiously supported foundations while it is negatively related to debt financing for the general foundations. Overall, the results suggest that board composition is related to debt financing for medical foundations and this relation varies with the fundnig type of the foundations.


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