  • 期刊

душа1, сердце2與“心4”:語義與表徵

душа1, сердце2 and 心4: Semantic and Representation


俄漢或其他英漢等雙語的翻譯詞典對於外語學習和對外交流具有重要的作用,但這種重要性和所謂的詞典的正確性具有一定條件和範圍。對於那些具有文化意義的詞語而言,翻譯詞典所給出的解釋一般只是字面意義的解釋,並假定兩種語言的概念體系是完全等同的。這種解釋一般並不告知讀者詞語所可能具有的,有時是非常重要的、豐富的文化意義。當我們說,душа, сердце表示“心”的時候,我們應該意識到此“心”非彼“心”。當我們(以漢語為母語)和俄羅斯人談論人的“內心世界”時,我們是否意識到我們談論的可能完全不是一個主題?在一定情形下我們必須知道душа, сердце與“心”的語義與表徵到底如何。


Душа1 сердце2 心4 語義 表徵


A Russian-Chinese Dictionary or an English-Chinese Dictionary is very important for us to learn foreign language and have an international communication with foreign countries, while there is a limit. Generally speaking, the definition from translation dictionaries is literal meaning, and the systems of concepts of the two languages are supposed to be the same. The kind of definition does not tell the reader the cultural meaning of the words. When we say душа, сердце mean ”心”, we should realize the two ”hearts” are different. Do we often realize what we talk about is not the same when we Chinese talk to Russian about ”the inter-world”? So we must make clear the semantic meaning and the characteristic between душа, сердце and ”心”.


Душа1 сердце2 心4 semantic representation


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