  • 期刊

Dream on Classical and Modern Works: "Life is a Dream" of Calderón de la Barca & "Open Your Eyes" of Alejandro Amenábar





身份認同 卡爾德隆 阿枚那巴


Calderón de la Barca, a famous author of the 17th century, looked at the meaning and the problem of life in his drama "Life is a Dream", which has been affecting the contemporary work since then. The film "Open Your Eyes", directed by Alejandro Amenábar in 1997 should be one of the examples. The plot of this suspense and horror movie closely touched the audience to the heart. Under the influence of Calderón, Amenábar also explored in his film the problem of personal identity and the ambiguity between reality and imagination, the dream and the insomnia as in "Life is a Dream" of Calderon. Based on thematic analysis, this study aims to analyze how these two authors of different eras interpret these two concepts: dreams and personal identity. The aesthetics of their works is also discussed.


Amenábar, Alejandro, Página Web Oficial. http:/www.clubcultura.com/clubcine/clubcineastas/amenabar/index.htm Web. 13 de marzo de 2014.
Amenábar, Alejandro Abre los ojos. Madrid: TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX, 1997. Video.
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