  • 期刊


Glycemic Control of Diabetes in Terminal Cancer Patients


糖尿病與癌症為全球性的重大健康議題,根據2016 年國人死因統計,癌症為十大死因之首,糖尿病則高居第五名,糖尿病可能增加罹癌的風險,也影響癌症治療效果與臨床預後,顯示血糖控制於正常值的重要性。然而癌症末期的糖尿病病人,其身體可能處在高胰島素抗性、反覆感染、食慾不振、噁心、嘔吐…等狀態,若嚴格控制血糖容易引發低血糖的風險。當病人接受緩和照護時,症狀控制的重要性遠大於治療血糖數值,整合醫療照護準則、醫療團隊評估與病人意願,給予病人個別化的治療。


Diabetes and cancer are major global health issues. Cancer remained to be the first leading cause of death in Taiwan in 2016, whereas diabetes was ranked to be the fifth leading cause of death. Patients with diabetes are at a high risk of developing cancer, have a worse response to cancer chemotherapy and have a poor prognosis. It is very important to maintain blood glucose at nearly normal levels. While diabetic patients in terminal illness may have marked insulin resistance, frequent infections, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, strict blood glucose control may increase the risk of hypoglycemia. In palliative care, the symptoms should be treated rather than the blood glucose values. As treatment guidelines adjusted according to patient preference and the views of medical staff, each patient can receive the individualized treatment.


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