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Visual behaviors of experienced tennis players under preparing for returns




凝視 視覺歷程 網球技能


Purpose: This study analyzed the visual behaviors of experienced tennis players while they performed the returns of serve, groundstroke, volley, overhead smash, lob shot, and slice. Method: Male players from college tennis teams at a high competitive level were recruited as participants. In the first experiment, 7 players participated in the experiment of returning of serve, while 10 players participated in the other five returning skills for the second experiment. The gaze behaviors on the upper body and the racket of the target server, as well as the ball sphere were recorded by a device of eye tracker. Then, the gaze duration and frequency were analyzed according to different stages of the target server's movement such as the preparing, performing, following-through stages. Results: While the players were returning services and strokes, the longest duration and highest frequency of the gaze fell on the upper body at the preparing stage and the grip at the performing stage. As returning volley and smash, the position of gaze mainly fell on the ball at the preparing stage. As returning lobs, the position of gaze was on the ball at the preparing stage as well as the grip and the ball were gazed at the performing stage. When returning slices, the positions of the gaze lied on the upper body and the ball at the preparing stage. At the following-through stage, the participants mostly gazed at the ball across all returning situations. Conclusion: It is important for tennis players to focus on their opponent's racket before it makes contact with the ball because that will be the last chance to observe the type and the direction of a stroke. After their opponent swings, players should shift focus to the ball because its form and direction won't change anymore. For improving anticipation ability, tennis players need to practice focusing on the right locations while training.


gaze visual process tennis skill


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