  • 期刊


Research on the Passive Income of Investors: An Example of Suite for Rent




The issue of how investors can make tenants have a good quality of life in the suite and reduce conversion costs and time costs has been the subject of contemplation. In the past, social exchange theory can explain the exchange behavior of individual interests, but it cannot explain how individuals are embedded in the social network, group value, and social organization of collective relations. The perspective of social capital was regarded as the theoretical basis in this study. Due to the case of renting a suite, this object is different from the way the company manages employees . In order to make the study more objective, the researcher first used the key event method to clarify the lessee's past experience (uncomfortable cases) as a mirror. Based on this, a questionnaire was designed, it was found through important attributes analysis that the main advantages of investor management are the practice of obligations, integrity, good planning of escape lines, and revision of flexible work rules. Disadvantages are the interactive relationship between co-signers, a sense of identity among collective households, and a shared vision.


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